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Sermon Notes from October 15

Sermon Text: Acts 8:1-8, 26-40

This week, we looked at Philip's missionary endeavors from Acts 8.  Primarily, we looked at how he serves as a great example of "Spirit-empowered mission."  From this passage, we noted 3 markers of what it means to be Spirit-empowered for mission.

1. Spirit-conscious - Philip was aware of the presence of the God in his life.  He was able to discern the voice of God and know what God was tellling him to do.  Are we conscious of the Spirit in our own lives?  As believers, the Spirit of God permanently indwells us, so are we aware of Him?  We need to be people who are keenly aware of the presence of God in our lives and what He is directing us to do on a daily basis. Our lives are not our own, we are His.

2. Spirit-dependent - Not only was Philip aware of the presence of God in his life, but he was also completely dependent upon the Spirit to guide and direct him.  Philip was having extremely fruitful ministry in Samaria and God tells him to leave it and go to the desert.  No other details.  Just go to the desert.  And that's what Philip did.  Are we dependent upon the Spirit of God with every aspect of our lives, so that even when we don't know what God has for us next, we still trust Him and depend upon Him?  Or do we try and take things into our own hands?  We need to be a people who daily depend upon God to lead us where He wants us to go and do what He wants us to do. Our lives are not our own, we are His.

3. Spirit-emboldened - Philip was wondering in the desert, where the Lord had told him to go, and then He heard the Spirit tell him to go up to a random guy in a chariot.  This was not an easy thing to do, but because He was aware of the presence of God and dependent upon the Spirit of God, he boldly obeyed.  And this powerful official who worked for the queen of the Ethiopians gave his life to Christ in the middle of the desert because of Philip's bold obedience.  Are we emboldened to open our mouths and speak of Jesus to those around us?  We need to be a people who not only are conscious of God's presence in our lives and depend upon His presence in our lives, but who are also emboldened by the Spirit of God to act upon what He tells us to do and where He tells us to go.  Our lives are not our own, we are His.

The result of Philip's Spirit-empowered mission was that there was much gospel fruit in his life and much joy in the lives of others.  I pray that God would pour out His Spirit upon us in such a mighty way that we are keenly aware of His presence, utterly dependent upon His guidance, and supernaturally emboldened to open our mouths and speak of Jesus to those around us for the joy and blessing of those we encounter and for the glory of God.