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Sermon Notes from October 22

Sermon Text: Acts 9:1-31

It is good to remember how God has worked in our lives, and specifically, how He has saved us.  As we remember how God has saved us, may it move us to a place where we have a deep hunger and thirst for more of Him and His presence in our lives today.

This Sunday, we looked at the conversion of Saul from Acts 9.  There are some things in the text about God's interaction with Saul that are helpful for us to remember about our own stories of God's activity in our lives.

-God's sovereign pursuit of Saul

-God's suprising grace towards Saul

-Saul's humble reaction to encountering God

-Saul's commissioning by God

-Ananias's faithful obedience

-Saul's suffering for obedience

-The church's reaction

I pray that we too would encounter God in miraculous ways.  I pray that we too would respond to Him in faith and humility and obedience. And I pray that our church would walk in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit.