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Sermon Notes from December 3

Sermon Text:  Luke 1:5-38

This past Sunday, we started our Advent series and looked at the stories of the birth announcement of John and the birth announcement of Jesus.  

There are similarities and differences between the two accounts, and I think Luke puts them one after another so that we would see compare and contrast these stories.

When reading these stories, we can see that these two babies, John and Jesus, would grow up to be unique. 

John would fulfill the prophecy from Malachi 4 that one would come in the spirit of Elijah before the coming of the Messiah.  And Jesus would fulfill all the promises from the Old Testament, including God's covenantal promises to Abraham and David.

As we looked at these stories, we saw 3 points of application as we are in this season of Advent.  Advent means "coming" and it is a time looking forward to the coming of Jesus Christ.  The season of Advent is one of waiting, as God's people in the Old Testament were very accustomed to.  In waiting, in this season of Advent, and in our lives in general, we saw these 3 applications:

1. Remember that we are sinners in need of a Savior and that is why Jesus came.

2. Build within your life an expectancy of Jesus.  

3. Humbly surrender your life to Jesus in faith, as Mary did when she was told she would carry the Son of God in her womb.

These three things will be helpful for us to walk in as we are in waiting for the second coming, or second Advent, of Jesus.  We know that He is faithful to fulfill His promises because of His first Advent, so we can have a confident assurance that He will return again and finally and fully put an end to sin, death, and satan; and He will finally and fully dwell with His redeemed people forever.